Monday, July 23, 2012

CONTRIBUTE - Art of Attention with Elena Brower

Elena Brower is one of those yoga teachers that is just instantly and universally lovable.

We had no idea who she was a few years back when we stumbled (literally) into one of her classes at Wanderlust in Miami at The Standard (accompanied by the equally amorous Schuyler Grant).

Don't remember Wanderlust in Miami? Click here to jog your memory.

If you read this blog at all, you've heard us go on and on about how much we love The Standard, so we'll save you from that this time. Refer to earlier posts if you need to be reminded.

So, let's get down to business and the purpose behind this post. We're going to help Elena raise some of the $60,000 she's looking to accumulate for her 'Art of Attention' book project. Where will your generous contributions go?

"Your funds will help produce, print and ship our book to teachers and yogis everywhere, including more than five hundred copies donated around the world to organizations training women, and specifically yoga teachers. Teachers in trainings from the Africa Yoga Project in East Africa to the Lineage Project in New York City will have the imagery and instruction in ART OF ATTENTION in order to create beautiful practices, both for themselves and for their students."

So let's make this happen. View the video below for more information or visit the ART OF ATTENTION website. Perks for donating can include (but most definitly aren't limited to) a year of YogaGlo, a copy of the book, a private class with Elena herself, the list goes on...

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