Friday, February 22, 2013

Events: MC Yogi, Buddhas & Bellinis

Two noteworthy events happening this Sunday in Miami Beach, but before doling out the deets, we need to apologize for not covering Dharma Mittra and Jai Uttal this year.

Sincere apologies. The blog (and our practice) has fallen by the wayside lately, along with lots of other things.  

C'est la Vie. Hoping as time goes on things will get a lot clearer. 

In the meantime:

Event: Ganesha: Remover of Obstacles with MC Yogi & Amanda Giacomini

When: Sunday, Feb 24th, 3 - 5:30 pm

Where: Click here for the details.

This is going to be a very fun event for the crowd it is geared to. Silly monkeys. When will the humane society of Miami Beach step in and start spaying and neutering these guys? They're ruining our gene pool.

He will also be performing at The Grassroots Festival in Virginia Key (thanks, Miami New Times for the info).

Event: Buddhas & Bellinis

When: Sunday Feb 24th, 10:30 am - 12 pm

Where: Click here for the details.

Just like every other event in Miami. A bunch of people standing around a hotel pool with cocktails.

Except at this event there's yoga, which means it must be good. And good for you.

Party on, Miami yogis.

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