Friday, August 8, 2014

Free Classes this Weekend at Bikram Hot Yoga 305

Pic via Miami New Times
Thank you, Miami New Times, for alerting us to the opening of Bikram Hot Yoga 305 this weekend in South Miami. You, dear yogis, can take free classes there all weekend to celebrate their soft opening, so grab your booty shorts, a yogi toes towel and voyage South to this new hot yoga oasis.

You will be greeted with walls decorated by local artists and a studio owner who will do more than get you ass up in down dog - she'll have you dropping it, too - Carolina Villalba is one of the chicas from rap duo, Basside.

After following the link to Basside's Soundcloud we are now rocking out in Yoganidrasana questioning our moral compass. The last time we rapped everyone just thought we were a homeless person yelling at a pigeon. True story.

Any-tittibasana, here is the link to the full article on the MNT website.

Namaste, yogis.

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