Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tim Miller Coming to Miami Life Center

Ashtanga Master Tim Miller will be at Miami Life Center this weekend for a workshop - kind of a bummer it's Memorial Day Weekend.

Miamians know that this is the one weekend in the year to get the hell out of Miami - especially South Beach. If you're not sure what we're talking about, just Google "Hip Hop Weekend Miami" and see all of the frightening headlines pop up of people being shot and stabbed (yes, both).

Also a weird bummer that when you Google "Tim Miller Yoga" one of the first search results that pops up is "Tim Miller, Yoga Criminal?!?"

Anyway - Follow the Jump for the full breakdown of the workshop. Scheduling and the fear of bodily harm prevents us from attending the entire workshop but we may pop in for the Friday night session.

9 AM - 10 AM Pranayama Circle $25
10 AM - 12 PM Mysore $50
5-8 PM Ashtanga Yoga Lineage, Yoga Sutras and the Yoga Tradition $50

8 - 9 AM Pranayama Circle $25
9 AM - 11 AM Introduction to Second Series with Tim $50

2-5 PM Asana Doctor: Dr. Tim will field questions concerning the biomechanics of specific asanas, working with areas of particular density or weakness in the body, treatment of injuries (ancient or recent), and adaptations of asanas for specific needs. $50

8 - 9 AM Pranayama Circle $25
9 - 12 PM Mysore $50
2- 5 PM Pranayama Workshop:
Linking the Outer to the Inner--Pranayama--literally, "the extension of the life force," is an important practice that cultivates clarity of mind, longevity, and pratyahara (the inward turning of attention). This class will introduce pranayama techniques to explore aspects of the pranamaya kosha (subtle body) such as the chakras and the pancha vayus (the five pranas), and to serve as the vital link between external methodology and internal experience. $50

Full Workshop: $275

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